Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 41 to Day 63...Getting Through the Holidays: Catching Up, Re-Focusing, and Plugging Along...

Happy New Year! There's so much to catch up on, so prepare yourself for quite possibly a monster of a post. But there's renewed momentum in 2011, and there will be much more to say in coming (our last!) weeks, so that will necessitate more (and shorter) posts. I just returned home from San Francisco, where Max and I spent New Year's with his best friend and her family and some other of our SF friends. It was lovely, and it was a very intentional, deepening, visioning time as we prepare for all 2011 has in store.

As far as Christmas went, I have to say, in prior years I have been known to be a little Scrooge-y, but I really kinda got into it this year (for me). I had a blast writing Christmas cards and selecting gifts for all the lovees, and played a total elf-style role passing Christmas lists between the G/J and L/V households, and when Max finally got here, my holiday stage was completely set, and the time we spent was so sharply needed. It was a bit hectic with so many balls in the air, hence the reason for no posts for a couple weeks - and for those of you (anyone?) who actually reads this regularly, I apologize - but I'm back on the horse!

Just as I voiced some frustration (however mild and accepting) regarding lost traction around Thanksgiving, I definitely had an analogous experience around Christmas. But all in all, I think it has been a purposeful time of year to do this. Considering the role food (particular food) plays in L's visioned Christmas rituals and owning her cravings, absence of cravings, and stating her preferences (and therefore her truth) has been a fruitful process in that it has perhaps deepened the insight L has access to in regards to familial and social pressure versus the pressure she puts on herself. The more and more I read about Lyme and hear the stories put out by the Lymie community, the more I get the sense that Lyme robs from its host. And what you get back from Lyme is entirely up to how hard you fight. I think L's fight has increased considerably since Day One...and, to my mind, we still have a ways to go. L got a Lyme cookbook for Christmas, and V met someone through his work that is a woman who has Lyme and it almost took her life (she's 9 years into her struggle), and now she is reasonably well and devoted to Lyme advocacy and actually working on becoming a Lyme counselor. Plugging into the Lyme community and possibly talking to new doctors, hearing stories of other Lymies and their overcoming obstacles and fighting to reclaim their wellness, and planning future trips to Lyme conventions are all apart of the conversation these days, and it is exciting.

There has been plenty of eating out and holiday social obligations, but amongst all that, here's the highlights of what was made the last week or so (besides a stir fry and other revisits to meals L and V have enjoyed already/recipes already posted):

J's Vegan Gluten-Free Chili________________________________________________

1 yellow onion, diced

3-4 garlic cloves, minced

2 carrots, diced

2 zucchini, diced

2 celery sticks, diced

1 can red kidney beans, drained and rinsed

1 can black beans, drained and rinsed

1 can garbanzo beans, drained and rinsed

½ bag of frozen corn

2 cups of rehydrated TVP soy protein

2 large 28 oz. can of diced tomatoes (with liquid and one can of water also)

1 tablespoon nutritional yeast

Splash of Bragg’s

2 teaspoon oregano

2 teaspoon cumin

2 teaspoon basil

1 teaspoon chili powder

2 teaspoon salt

½ tablespoon sugar (optional)

Dash of cayenne or chili flakes (optional)

2 teaspoon black pepper

1 tablespoon olive oil

Water (1-2 cups) for desired consistency/thickness if water from the canned tomatoes is not enough liquid for proper proportion to solid ingredients

Optional garnish ingredients: Tofutti sour cream, fresh chives, fresh parsley, avocado, fresh cilantro

Heat oil in a large lidded stockpot and add onions and sauté for a minute, then add garlic, celery, carrots, zucchini, corn, and 1/2 of the herbs and sauté for a few minutes, stirring occasionally. Once the TVP has been rehydrated, add it to the vegetable mixture with the beans, tomatoes (dump the whole can), nutritional yeast, and remaining 1/2 of seasonings. Bring to a boil, stirring so flavors combine, and then lower the heat and simmer covered for 30 minutes. Serve with any combination of the above garnish ideas, and of course cornbread!

the veggie mix

the bean mix

including sauce and TVP and both mixes = chili, baby, chili!

I used Pamela's Gluten Free Cornbread Mix, and was pleased with the results (made the extra corny version including real corn kernels)

I didn't make this with the sugar or the chili flakes in order to ensure that it wasn't too acidic/inflammatory. This makes a whole heck of a lot of chili - so unless you're down like James Brown for mega leftovers, feel free to half it.

Here's the Healing with Whole Foods analysis of the chili:

Onion = lowers cholesterol, decreases catarrh (phlegm and inflammation of the nose and throat) [PP, pg. 547]

Garlic = antibiotic/antiviral/antimicrobial (even inhibits microorganisms associated with degenerative diseases - like Lyme disease, literally), eliminates toxins from the body [PP, pg. 546]

Carrot = strengthens the spleen-pancreas, improves liver function, eliminates putrefactive bacteria in the intestines that cause poor assimilation, alkaline-forming, rich in anti-oxidant beta-carotene/provitamin A (anti-inflammatory), contain large amounts of silicon (strengthens connective tissues and aids calcium metabolism) [PP, pgs. 538-9]

Zucchini = influences the spleen-pancreas, reduces inflammation, improves qi energy circulation, alleviates pain, contains natural sugars, carbohydrates, and vitamin A, and helps edema through yin, cooling, diuretic properties [PP, pgs. 549-50]

Celery = benefits the stomach and spleen-pancreas and calms an aggravated liver, dries damp excesses, purifies the blood, high silicon content helps renew joints, bones, arteries, and all connective tissues and acidic blood that accompanies tissue and nerve inflammations [PP, pgs. 539-40]

Black (Turtle) Beans = warming thermal nature, beneficial to kidneys, and used for backache/pain [PP, pgs. 507-8]

Red Kidney Beans = cooling thermal nature, used in treating edema and swelling [PP, pg. 509]

Garbanzo Beans (Chick-pea) = beneficial to pancreas, stomach, and heart, contains more iron than other legumes, good source of unsaturated fats [PP, pg. 508]

Corn = nourishes the heart, influences the stomach, regulates digestion, tonifies the kidneys [PP, pg. 465]

Tomato = tonifies the stomach and cleans the liver, purifies the blood and detoxifies in general, relieves liver heat and blood stagnation, and even though an acidic fruit, as long as used in small moderation, after digestion tomato alkalizes the blood and can therefore be useful in reducing the acidic blood of rheumatism and gout [PP, pg. 544-5]

Nutritional Yeast = a nutritional cornucopia and amazing source of vitamin B12 and phosphorus (as with tomatoes, not to be over-used - too much can induce unhealthy amounts of candida-type yeasts in the body, especially in individuals who are susceptible to candida overgrowth, or dampness in general) [PP, pg. 139-140]

Oregano = oil of oregano is the most potent way to derive its benefits, but those benefits include antibiotic/antifungal/antimicrobial properties, aids muscular pain due to fibromyalgiaand arthritis, and attacks microbes including the spirochete of Lyme disease [PP, pg. 661]

Cumin = warming, when combined with beans helps diminish flatulence problems, as a very pungent spice promotes energy circulation [PP, pgs. 118, 210, 252]

Basil = promotes a mental calming and focusing effect in food or teas [PP, pg. 337]

Textured Soy/Vegetable Protein i.e. TVP = quick to cook, fat free, and all the protein per serving of meat at a fraction of the cost, can be bought in bulk/has a long shelf life, and is relatively flavorless as a "raw" ingredient - takes on the taste of however you rehydrate/season it

...and some incentive to use the garnish ideas:

Parsley = a source of remarkable nutrition (more vitamin C than citrus, one of the higher sources of vitamin A, chlorophyll, calcium, sodium, magnesium, and iron), cuts the effect of solanine when served with nightshade vegetables, dries watery mucoid conditions, benefits optic and brain nerves [PP, pg. 548]

Chives = influences the kidneys, liver, and stomach, dries damp conditions, increases qi energy circulation, good for treating arthritic pain, strengthens the kidney yang [PP, pg. 545]

Avocado = builds the blood and yin, harmonizes the liver, lubricates the lungs and intestines, a good natural source of brain food lecithin, rich in copper (which helps build red blood cells), and a good source of easily digested fat/monounsaturated oils and nutritious protein [PP, pg. 617]

Cilantro = cooling in nature (a good counter balance for the warmth-generating ingredients in chili), reduces signs of heat [PP, pg. 62]

Baked Stuffed Pears_____________________________________________
2 asian pears (barely ripe), cut in half
2 tablespoons hazelnuts aka filberts, chopped
2 tablespoons dried apricots, chopped
2 tablespoons dried (fruit-sweetened means less sugar = less acidifying) cranberries
2 tablespoons walnuts, chopped
cinnamon for dusting
honey for drizzling
about 1 teaspoon of earth balance for each half = around 4 teaspoons total

Mix together in a large bowl the chopped hazelnuts, walnuts, and apricots and the cranberries. Take each pear half and scoop out the middle seeds and core with a soup spoon to create a "bowl" in each one for "stuffing". Lay them on a greased baking dish, bowl up/skin down, and put around a teaspoon each of earth balance (margarine) in all four. Dust with cinnamon, then take your nut and fruit mixture and "stuff" and top each pear. Drizzle generously with honey to finish, cover, and bake at 350 for 30 minutes, then uncover and bake for an additional 10-15 or until lightly golden brown to your liking.

I can't tell you how hard these things were to photograph. Nonetheless, here they are pre-baking. I prepped them because they were for a dinner party with L and V and good friends of theirs - so I only have prepped pictures. You get the idea, though.

Healing with Whole Foods analysis:

Pears = cooling thermal nature, specifically helps the lungs and gallbladder [PP, pg. 622]

Hazelnuts/Filberts = contains protein, vitamin E and calcium (more than almost all other nuts and seeds except almonds), unsaturated fat in high percentage of total calories, and magnesium [PP, pgs. 143, 167, 170, 218, 223, 340]

Apricots = high mineral content (copper and cobalt) [PP, pg. 617]

Walnuts = warming in nature, contains omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, good for asthmatics and the elderly, reduce inflammation and pain, nourish the kidney-adrenals and brain, nourish kidney yang deficiencies [PP, pg. 66, 164, 167, 170, 172, 184, 223, 315, 367, 434, 534, 660]

Cranberries = contain proanthocyanidins, which facilitate wound healing, strengthen the arteries, veins, and capillaries, and improve blood circulation, some of the most potent antioxidants and protect against cancer and other degenerative conditions, and protective against toxins, benefit the bladder and kidney [PP, pgs. 14, 359-60]

Honey = harmonizes the liver, relieves pain, antitoxic properties [PP, pg. 191]

Cinnamon = create warmth and circulation [PP, pgs. 66, 428]

[P.S. I'm going to talk about Earth Balance/Smart Balance margarines in a future post.]

J's Waldorf-Style Cole Slaw with Raw Kale______________________________________________
1 bunch of kale (type doesn't necessarily matter - I used Italian/Dino Kale), finely chopped into small, long, thin pieces (think cole slaw)
1 head of cabbage, cole slaw -style chopped, also
2 carrots, chopped into small toothpick-sized pieces (or grated)
3 large green apples, peeled, cored, and grated
1 1/2 cups of chopped walnuts
1 cup of dried (fruit juice-sweetened, remember?) cranberries
3 tablespoons vegannaise (dairy-free mayonaise alternative)
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
Squirt of Bragg's
2 teaspoons maple syrup

In a small mixing bowl, add the vegannaise, balsamic, Bragg's, and maple syrup and stir until thoroughly combined and set aside. In a very large mixing bowl, mix together well the kale, cabbage, carrots, apples, walnuts, and cranberries. Add the sauce mix and toss until thoroughly combined. Feel free to improvise with the sauce proportions to taste (add sweetness or sour, maple syrup or balsamic respectively, etc.).

Obviously, in this recipe, there is a sweetener added and vegannaise is a processed product - but it's still dairy and sugar free. It's not something I would serve at the beginning of the process, but we served it as part of a holiday dinner tradition L and V share with close friends of theirs, and everyone loved it and it suited the richness of the occasion.

Healing with Whole Foods analysis:

Kale = Eases lung congestion, benefits the stomach, good source of sulfur, chlorophyll, calcium, iron, protein, and vitamin A [PP, pg. 541]

Cabbage = Moistens the intestines, benefits the stomach, has been used for everything from the common cold to mental depression and irritability, abundant sulfur (warming, destroys parasites, purifies the blood), contains iodine, vitamin C (more than oranges), vitamin E, good for inflammation [PP, pgs. 537-8]

Carrots = strengthens the spleen-pancreas, improves liver function, eliminates putrefactive bacteria in the intestines that cause poor assimilation, alkaline-forming, rich in anti-oxidant beta-carotene/provitamin A (anti-inflammatory), contain large amounts of silicon (strengthens connective tissues and aids calcium metabolism) [PP, pgs. 538-9]

Apples = contain malic and tartaric acids which inhibit the growth of disease-producing bacteria in the digestive tract, contains pectic which removes cholesterol and toxic metals (lead, mercury), cleanses and benefits the liver and gallbladder [PP, pg. 617]

Walnuts = See above

Cranberries = See above

Gluten-Free Pizza Thoughts_____________________________________
I actually used Bob's Red Mill Gluten-Free Pizza Crust flour mix, and was pleased with the results. It was in no way as good as G's gluten-free pizza crust, but I was into it nonetheless. I used store-bought/pre-made sauce, but added a little miso and parsley to counteract the acidity of the nightshade solanine component. Here's the toppings I used:
- Portobello mushrooms, chopped and sauteed in olive oil and a pinch of various herbs (garlic, parsley, sage, rosemary, thyme, salt, pepper, oregano, basil)
- Pineapple chunks
- Daiya brand dairy-free mozarella shreds
- Fresh basil

...but you could also go crazy. G and J do a variety of pizzas, from BBQ to pesto. I love how creative pizza making can get. Here's a little collage from the past few weeks in our household (these boys really are so talented):

Here's a couple HWWF comments from my pizza ideas above:

Portobello mushrooms = rids the respiratory system of excess mucus, has antibiotic properties, increases white blood cell count bolstering immunity against disease-producing microorganisms [PP, pg. 542]

Pineapple = contains bromelin which increases digestive ability, treats edema [PP, pg. 622]

Basil = is an herb that counteracts wind/cold symptoms (like L's - transient pain, numbness, etc.), and has a calming and focusing effect on the mind [PP, pgs. 99, 337]

Smoothies Are Fun!____________________________________________
There's definitely been some smoothie action going down, and L and V are into it. Here's some of the ingredients I've been uncovering in the fridge and freezer, and I'm looking forward to working it up even more in the month to come:
- Frozen berries: strawberries, blueberries, raspberries
- Fruit-juice sweetened sorbet: strawberry, blackberry
- Fresh apples, pears, raspberries, and pineapple
- Fresh juices (apple, pineapple) or soymilk or hemp milk
- Ground flaxseed

I'm really going to kick into high gear in this last month, so tune in regularly again now that the holidays are over. I'm going to, at request of a friend in San Francisco, post my tofu scramble recipe, and an easy veggie lentil stew recipe I made L, and I commented on Liz's comment two posts ago with some thoughts on creating your own trail mixes when perusing the bulk aisle, in case you're curious to take a peak. Nuts and seeds and berries are your friends, and, contrary to popular (misinformed) opinion, totally tasty and satisfying and not just for the birds.

2011 is about Courage for me, among other things. What is it about for you? And what role does/should/could/can you let nutrition play to that end?


Friday, December 10, 2010

Days 38, 39, & 40 - Nutritionally Therapeutic Properties of Shepherd's Pie

Leftovers, leftovers, leftovers. I've tried to par down the serving sizes I cook, but we still end up with loads of leftovers. L and V are into the leftovers, yet of course I would rather show them new tasty things then just have a fridge full of tupperware all the time. The last two days (days 39 and 40), they've eaten snacks and leftovers, even at my offer to make fresh new meals. At least they're not wasteful! But for dinner on day 38, I re-visited (at L's request) the Shepherd's Pie I made early on. And I took pictures to document the process! (I'm getting better with the pictures, no?)

The veggies this time around: onion, cauliflower, carrot, broccoli, zucchini, green beans (and garlic & herbs)

Mashed Potato Time!

The veggie mix gets added to the mushroom gravy and put in a baking casserole dish

The veggie mixture gets topped with the mashed potatoes and smoothed

Fresh parsley makes the perfect garnish (you can use paprika and/or chives, also)

They weren't quite ready to eat it, so I left a note with baking instructions

And not only is this a satisfying, holiday/winter-appropriate, comforting dish - it's packed with nutritional healing power:

Onion = lowers cholesterol, decreases catarrh (phlegm and inflammation of the nose and throat) [PP, pg. 547]

Carrot = strengthens the spleen-pancreas, improves liver function, eliminates putrefactive bacteria in the intestines that cause poor assimilation, alkaline-forming, rich in anti-oxidant beta-carotene/provitamin A (anti-inflammatory), contain large amounts of silicon (strengthens connective tissues and aids calcium metabolism) [PP, pgs. 538-9]

Broccoli = good source of pantothenic acid, vitamin A, vitamin C (more than citrus), sulfur, iron, B complex vitamins, and chlorophyll [PP, pg. 537]

Zucchini = influences the spleen-pancreas, reduces inflammation, improves qi energy circulation, alleviates pain, contains natural sugars, carbohydrates, and vitamin A, and helps edema through yin, cooling, diuretic properties [PP, pgs. 549-50]

Cauliflower = important in cancer prevention (member of the brassica-genus vegetables), contains sulphur (antibiotic and antiviral characteristics), mildly stimulates liver stagnancy [PP, pg. 419]

Green/String Beans = strengthens the spleen-pancreas and kidneys [PP, pg. 511]

Red Potatoes = contain the least amount of solanine of all the nightshades (and was also cooked with salt and served with parsley, which neutralizes the effect of solanine somewhat), tonifies the spleen-pancreas and the qi energy, neutralizes body acids/contributes to increased alkalinity, reduces inflammation, useful in building and maintaining tissues (including nerves) [PP, pg. 544]

Garlic* = antibiotic/antiviral/antimicrobial (even inhibits microorganisms associated with degenerative diseases - like Lyme disease, literally), eliminates toxins from the body [PP, pg. 546]

Sage = when paired with foods such as carrot, garlic, onion, etc. that have anti-parasitic properties, it strengthens their effect [PP, pg. 660]

Thyme = same as sage (above) in regard to relationship with anti-parasitic -functioning foods [PP, pg. 660]

Parsley = a source of remarkable nutrition (more vitamin C than citrus, one of the higher sources of vitamin A, chlorophyll, calcium, sodium, magnesium, and iron), cuts the effect of solanine when served with nightshade vegetables, dries watery mucoid conditions, benefits optic and brain nerves [PP, pg. 548]

Oregano* = oil of oregano is the most potent way to derive its benefits, but those benefits include antibiotic/antifungal/antimicrobial properties, aids muscular pain due to fibromyalgia and arthritis, and attacks microbes including the spirochete of Lyme disease [PP, pg. 661]

Basil - promotes a mental calming and focusing effect in food or teas [PP, pg. 337]

*Note - Oregano and garlic are the only two places in Healing with Whole Foods where Pitchford directly references Lyme Disease/the Lyme spirochete.

And since I've gone into this much detail at this point, I might as well re-post the recipe, eh? This is not a mathematically precise recipe - feel free to experiment with your own vegetables mixes, stocks for the gravy, seasoning preferences, etc. If you really want to be in it to win it (and you are or know a baker), you could pipe the mashed potatoes on with a star tip or something.

Shepherd’s Pie______________________________________________________

4 large Yukon gold potatoes or equivalent amount in another potato

1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk at room temp

3-4 tablespoons earth balance

1 1/2 teaspoons salt

dashes of fresh black pepper to taste

2 tablespoons garlic powder or approx. 5 cloves of fresh diced garlic

fresh chives or some parsley (can be dried) for garnish on top

2 medium to large onions

olive oil

1 teaspoon sage

1 tablespoon basil

1 tablespoon oregano

1 tablespoon thyme

2 teaspoons thyme

4 large carrots, chopped

4 celery stalks, chopped

1 bag frozen peas

About 4-6 cups chopped mushrooms (depends on how much of a mushroom fan you are - I am, big time) for the veggie mix and the gravy

1 head cauliflower

4 small to medium zucchinis

4 cups vegetable broth (I used Imagine brand No Chicken Broth the second time around)

1/4 cup corn starch

1/3 cup dry white wine or cooking sherry

2-3 tablespoons nutritional yeast

Gravy: In a small bowl, mix the corn starch and vegetable broth until dissolved and set aside. Preheat a small pot and sauté a chopped onion until translucent, then add mushrooms, approx. 4 cloves of garlic or analogous amount of powder, 2 t thyme, 1 t sage, salt and pepper, then add the wine, bring to a boil, and let reduce for about 5 minutes. Add the broth/starch mixture and nutritional yeast (add more nut yeast if it's too runny), and lower heat, simmering for about 15 minutes, stirring often.

Veggie Mix: Chop an onion and add to a heated pan with some olive oil. Once translucent, add 1 T each of basil, oregano, thyme, and garlic. Sauté for a moment, and then add your chopped vegetables in this order: carrots, celery, peas, mushrooms, zucchini & cauliflower - you could also do green beans, kale, potato, broccoli, etc. Use your imagination and favorites. Once everything is seasoned and not overcooked (remember - it's going to bake, also), add gravy and stir until combined thoroughly.

Mashed Potatoes: Wash, half, and boil the potatoes in a pot of water until fork tender. Drain and give a brief initial mash, and then add the 3/4 T earth/vegan smart balance, 1 t salt, pepper, 1 T garlic powder, and 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk, and mash until desired consistency.

Method: In a large baking casserole dish, after mixing the gravy and veggie mix together, spoon the mixture into the dish, and top with the mashed potatoes (smoothed out) and a garnish of fresh chives and/or parsley. Bake at 350 for 30 to 45 minutes uncovered, let sit for a moment, and serve.

Holiday Hugz,

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Days 32 through 37 - Catching Up and Considering Nightshades

Greetings! It's been an interesting week - time to get caught up. Last Wednesday (day 31), L and V went out to dinner with some friends to an Italian restaurant they enjoy, and L had some vegetable ravioli with a buttery sauce. Earlier that day, L had some cheese with her daughter while they were at lunch, with the thought, "I'll just eat a tiny bit and see if I feel anything." Whether or not conclusions or causal relationships can be drawn, later that night, L was in extreme amounts of pain (probably the worst night since the beginning of the dietary changes), and was up for most of the night, only able to sleep after taking 2 painkillers. While this is awful, and L looked tired the next day and I really hate that she was in such pain, I think the experience did affirm for her the connection between dairy intake and the inflammatory response. Saturated fats = increased inflammation. Dense concentrations of saturated fats are found in dairy, meat, and processed sugary products. That's the main rationale behind feeding L the way we have - the fact that I'm vegan qualifies me to help to this end, it isn't the sole reason why I'm doing this. This is a mission of healing, not proselytizing.

The next day was Thursday, day 32, the day of the big sleepover/double feature plan. In amongst holiday errands and decorating (still yet to be completed!), I made us a simple Taco lunch that L was super into. Crispy organic corn taco shells, Amy's brand vegan organic refried black beans, guacamole, lettuce, and a little pico de gallo. L is learning to get over her aversion to legumes in general, with beans in particular leading the way. I'd like to make refried beans from scratch - I'm feeling very inspired by Latin foods in general at the moment, so I did a little extra research into the whole nightshade vegetables causing inflammatory response -thing. Turns out eggplants, tomatoes, and potatoes (the main nightshades we eat regularly) have a chemical in them called solanine, which is an alkaloid, and can trigger pain in some people, particularly those already having an inflammatory pain response in their system. However, these assumptions are primarily anecdotal as no hard research into solanine causing pain has actually been done.

So I then turned to P. Pitchford (of course), and what he has to say about it. He does talk about solanine (pg 542-543); however, "both the tomato and eggplant can alleviate meat-induced liver and blood stagnancy", and that solanine can be neutralized somewhat by "baking, roasting, frying, or cooking these vegetables with salt or miso", and serve with parsley or seaweeds. When it comes to tomato particularly, there are definite healing properties with respect to the liver and detoxifying, and even though an acidic fruit, tomato, after digestion, "alkalizes the blood" (pg 545). So basically, in moderation, the nightshades won't promote too much inflammation, and can actually help tonify the liver and blood - the key is very small amounts, and cooked with salt or miso.

For dinner on day 32, I made a stir fry for the three of us to enjoy before we sat down for the movies. I used tempeh, onion, garlic, pineapple, carrot, celery, mushroom, snap peas, and a very small amount of bell pepper. The grain was quinoa, and the sauce I used was an organic, gluten-free, agave-sweetened teriyaki.

And then the double feature didn't happen. Suffice it to say there were technical difficulties in getting the receiver (audio) to communicate with the DVD player. It was kind of a bust, but oh well! We rain checked it, and I'm sure it will happen soon. I very much look forward to it.

Day 33/Friday we all got up and I made us some smoothies using some fresh fruit and dairy/sugar-free sorbet that was on hand in the fridge/freezer. L and V loved the smoothies - I really need to up the smoothie and juicing scene very soon. I had a train to catch to Seattle, where I was for the weekend, but before I left I made a cream of mushroom soup (they love my soups, and I've been dying to make a good cream of mushroom to show L how easy and tasty it is cream-free), and it was a big hit!

Easy Cream of Mushroom Soup___________________________________________________
1 16 oz. Imagine brand Natural Creamy Portobello Mushroom soup (it's really more of a stock)
2 cups white button or cremini mushrooms, sliced
1 large carrot, chopped
1 large celery stick, chopped
1 small onion, chopped finely
3 cloves garlic, chopped finely
2 cups unsweetened soy or almond milk
1/2 tablespoon nutritional yeast (or more to thicken as desired)
salt and pepper to taste
1/2 teaspoon each of basil, oregano, parsley, sage, and thyme
lil' bit o' olive oil

In a large stockpot, saute onion and garlic in a little bit of olive oil. When the onions are translucent, add the spices and let saute for a moment on medium heat, stirring well until combined. Add carrots, celery, and mushrooms, and saute until the mushroom have just given their juices/starting to soften. Then add the Imagine mushroom stock, soy or almond milk, nutritional yeast, and salt and pepper to taste. Bring to a boil, and then lower heat and simmer for 20 to 25 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Saturday and Sunday, L and V ate leftovers from week five, as well as this cream of mushroom soup and some other snacks and veggies in the fridge (for instance, on Sunday, they made baked potatoes for lunch). I went to Seattle to visit my soul sister and Maid of Honor, Liz, who has lived there for the last 10 or so months without a visit from me yet. We had a blast (I really like Seattle, actually), and taking the train there and back gave me a lot of time to read, research, plan, and just think and reflect on this process so far as we approach the halfway mark soon. I've definitely learned a lot, and there is definitely a sort of healing taking place for L. The main curative dynamic at work here though, in my opinion, is merely the psychic shift from passive patient to active soldier in her rehabilitation process. I've spoken before of L "up-ing her fight", and that is perhaps the most important shift taking place - everything starts from there. Researching, selecting, organizing, preparing, and eating foods that help her body heal itself is a by-product of the decision to not just sit back and attend appointments, but to really connect to the inner drive to reclaim her life and what she can do with it and through it. I'm here to help, but I can't make anyone do anything, I can't make anyone think the way I do, and I can't make anyone like something. I can merely show, and try to embody the amazing therapeutic gains that stand to be had.

I've had a lot of feedback about the recipes that we've used so far - that "it all just seems so difficult" - that it takes a lot of time and preparation to eat this way. I want to offer a reminder that part of our modern culture and value system has de-emphasized the relationship between ourselves and what we feed ourselves, and part of reclaiming our planet, our fate, our health (individually and as a race), means reclaiming that connection. If you are what you eat, then what better to spend money/time/energy on than what you are eating? If what you ingest are the building blocks for not just cellular regeneration and physiological sustainability, but the seeds of thought, the impetus of spirit, the underpinings of emotion and character - doesn't it seem like dinner deserves an hour or two? I know that I have the gift of time to this end, while many of you with families and evening responsibilities don't have this luxury - however, it deserves attention. And what better concept to pass onto your children and family members than this notion that you deserve the best nourishment you can provide.

But I also want L and V to feel like they can make sensible decisions when I'm gone that are easy enough to fit into their lifestyle. So that is going to be informing my menu selections from here forward. A compromise can certainly be fashioned. Last night (day 36), I whipped together a slightly variated version of the soyrizo enchiladas I posted about early on (week one), and it took 20 minutes to prepare from start to finish (chopping and all), and baked in the oven for about 15-20, and was ready to go. Dinner in slightly over half an hour - rich in vegetal vitamins and minerals, easy on the nightshades, and of course totally vegan, organic where possible, and wheat/gluten-free. Instead of soyrizo, I used El Burrito brand meatless/vegan taco stuffing, and I seasoned everything to be SUPER mild, and went easy on the tomatoes. There is also a Trader Joe's brand of soyrizo that is gluten-free - just be aware it's pretty spicy. You can add a teeny amount of maple syrup to take the edge off. Served with a garnish of fresh cilantro and a dollop of Tofutti brand sour cream, these things were tasty. L even went so far as to call it her "favorite thing" so far.

Tonight (day 37), I had leftovers of the enchilada filling, and they liked it so much (and V was surprisingly, even having taken some enchiladas to work for lunch, not sick of it yet), that I picked up some organic corn crispy tortillas and we had taco occasion part two, this time with the full on awesome enchilada filling and not just beans. I also served a side of chopped broccoli, carrots, and peas, sauteed for a couple minutes on medium high heat in sesame oil, white wine vinegar, and Bragg's - a yummy, healthy, flavorful seasoning combination for all sorts of vegetables.

So, given that many of the awesome vegan alternative "meat" products are wheat/gluten-based, G has recently been trying out homemade, from scratch, vegetable/legume -based, gluten-free recipes. First, G made a chicken-like cutlet. In honor of Hanukkah, J prepared a Jewish-tradition -inspired dinner consisting of the chicken cutlet, homemade apple sauce, and potato latkes garnished with fresh chives and (Tofutti) sour cream. It was a little on the deep fried side (and therefore not something I'd necessarily make L and V right now), but it was a fun luxurious winter meal to recreate vegan/gluten-free -style:

Here's the recipe for the "chicken" cutlets, originally from


Wet Group:
½ cup cooked canned rinsed, drained and mashed cannellini beans
3 Tbsp stewed apple or mashed cooked parsnip.
5 Tbsp grated onion plus any juice (6cm diameter one) or grated celery / florence fennel
2 Tbsp oil
1 Tbsp light soy sauce Tamari, Dr Braggs
1 tsp golden syrup or maple syrup
fresh herbs - 3 tsp chopped sage, 2 tsp thyme and 1 tsp rosemary

Dry group:
½ cup rice flour
⅓ cup chickpea flour/ channa/ besan
1 Tbsp pea flour
1 tsp maize starch
½ tsp mung bean gram/flour (optional but desirable)
2 Tbsp nutritional yeast
1½ Tbsp chicken style stock granules (I use Massel's, an Australian product)
¼ tsp dried chilli flakes (opt)
8 grinds fresh black pepper

Place the wet ingredients in a large bowl as you measure them out. Sit a sieve over the bowl of wet ingredients. Into it place the dry ingredients as you measure them out. Shake or rub the dry ingredients onto the wet ingredients. Stir in with a spatula until well combined. Stand for 10 minutes. Only add 1 - 1½ Tbsp onion juice if you feel the mixture is too stiff (some brands of "flours" soak up liquids more than others). Meanwhile prepare baking paper by cutting 12 x 15cm (6 inch) squares in which to form the schnitzels/fillets. Pour a few inches of water into a saucepan and set a steamer pan on top. Bring water to the boil. Divide the mixture into 6 portions and place a portion in the middle of a square of baking paper and shape in an oval about 1cm thick. Cover with a sheet of baking paper and lightly press. Place in the base of a steamer. Repeat with rest of mixture overlapping them in the steamer if necessary. Cover with lid and steam for 35 minutes. Remove schnitzels from steamer and stand for 5 - 10 minutes before removing paper wrapper. Place on a wire cake rake to air dry.
Makes 6 fillets or schnitzels.

Schnitzel Coating:
3 Tbsp pea flour
6 Tbsp water
fresh G-F breadcrumbs

1. In a shallow dish combine the pea flour and water until it is free of lumps.
2. Place the breadcrumbs in another shallow dish.
3. Dip the schnitzel into the pea flour mixture and then into the breadcrumbs pressing them in well.
4. Sauté in a small amount of oil until nicely golden.

Serve with a mango, apricot or tamarillo chutney.

This recipe is super interesting, and I can't wait to try it for L and V soon. There were leftovers that we froze - and the cutlets turned out perhaps even better after having a couple days in the freezer. In their second incarnation, J made mashed potatoes with homemade brown gravy and a side of broccoli/carrots/peas (like I did for L tonight - with the sesame oil/Bragg's/white vinegar combo), with the gravy ladled over the breaded, fried cutlets. Delish! Such a down home, satisfying, vegan gluten-free meal. Comfort food indeed.

G made gluten-free seitan "pork" chops tonight, and we're freezing them and will make them for dinner soon. I'll report back immediately as to what these ones are like. More homemade apple sauce may be on the horizon. Meat-free, dairy-free, egg-free, gluten-free pork chops and apple sauce from scratch, anyone? Crazy sauce. I never thought I would be taking it to this level. And so far I've only watched/assisted, so fingers crossed for when I take it into L's kitchen!

Here's the recipe for latkes - from VegNew's website's recipe library:

Vegan Latkes___________________________________________
What You Need:

1-1/2 pounds russet potatoes, peeled and grated
1 small yellow onion, peeled and grated
1 tablespoon fresh parsley, minced
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
Canola oil, for frying

What You Do:

1. In a colander set over a large bowl, place potatoes. Using your hands, squeeze out the excess liquid from the potatoes. Pour off the liquid and place potatoes in the bowl. Add onion to potatoes along with parsley, flour, baking powder, salt, and pepper, and mix well.

2. Preheat oven to 275 degrees. In a large skillet over medium heat, heat a thin layer of oil. Take a heaping tablespoon of batter and flatten it before gently placing it in the hot oil. Make three or four more potato pancakes this way, and add to skillet without crowding pan. Fry until golden brown on both sides, turning once, about 8 minutes total.

3. Repeat with remaining potato mixture, adding more oil as necessary. Remove the cooked potato pancakes to paper towels to drain, then transfer to an ovenproof platter and keep warm in the oven until all pancakes are cooked.

Okay dear ones, I wish you all a peaceful and blessed holiday evening. A huge recipe catch-up is forthcoming and (finally) J's famous chili secrets are going to be revealed.



Monday, November 29, 2010

Days 23 thru 31 aka Thanksgiving and Regaining Momentum

Holiday Greetings! I hope everyone had a gorgeous Thanksgiving, full of love and gratitude. The G/J/Me Household Thanksgiving 2010 Vegan-O-Rama was pretty ridiculously awesome. It was absurd. And wonderful. I want to share about our meal, and then a little about L and V's meal, and get caught up on the process to date. First, let me just walk you through our menu [which was, of course, 100% vegan, organic wherever possible (mostly organic), and the only things containing wheat/gluten were the proteins (tofurkey, field roast, etc.)]:

The eating began with a fresh crudite spread of sliced vegetables and ranch, with hot artichoke spinach dip on toasted baguette, and an assortment of gluten-free crackers to enjoy the mushroom pate and two new cashew cheeses of G's original recipe - a green herb-crusted derby cheese and a sharp smoky cheddar. To top off this amazing hors d'oeuvres spread, G created mini cheddar quiches with caramelized shallots and home-smoked tempeh.

Salads and sides included wild rice pilaf; a fresh green salad with cranberry, walnut, and apple; orange fennel salad; caramelized yams; brussel sprouts; garlic mashed potatoes; gluten-free stuffing/dressing with home-made gravy from scratch; roasted root vegetables with pomegranate seeds; green bean casserole in a cashew-mushroom cream sauce with fried shallots and gluten-free bread crumb topping; corn; and two kinds of cranberry dressing (traditional and pear cranberry chutney).

The main dishes/proteins in our feast were tofurkey, field roast, and cranberry celebration roast.

J's talent in the kitchen always amazes me, but on this day (and the day before, for that matter) he truly astounded me with his thoughtfulness, attitude, skills, and planning. The execution of this meal was pretty righteous, and everyone chipped in for something or another - whether it was me doing the green bean casserole early to get it out of the way, or Max and other friends peeling and boiling potatoes.

Natalie, our go-to bartender lovely, was in prime form. The cocktail list for the day went as follows: spiced cider with honey crisp apples and anise stars (with and without whiskey/rum); fresh pressed/mulled cranberry with lime, local vodka, and natural tonic; and tangerine- and cucumber- infused vodka martinis.

G's dessert line-up was absolutely delectable and creative: traditional pumpkin pie, maple bourbon pecan pie, cranberry tarts with whipped cream, pear-cranberry sorbet, peanut butter rice crispy treats with chocolate ganache topping, and pumpkin chocolate swirl cheesecake bars. All vegan, mostly organic, pure love. And a supreme pleasure, which I am still grateful for, to enjoy.

A photo collage:

L really wanted to try and strike a balance between what she's learning with me and been eating the past month, and what her and her family are used to - what the meaningful rituals are food-wise versus what's flexible and where the opportunities were to make things the "new" way. Turkey was still on the table, but an attempt was made to decrease the amount of dairy and wheat in the meal, and when there was no alternative, L enjoyed things in very small amounts.

They ate leftovers through the weekend, and on Monday/day 30, L had a friend over for lunch, and requested the raw kale pilaf be prepared again. This was enjoyed also for dinner with a pasta dish (below) and for lunch I brought over a few leftover cashew cheeses (the green herbed and the smoky cheddar), which L and her friend heartily enjoyed along with a fruit spread and some cups of tea and good catching up.

As far as L's healing process - it continues. L went eight hours last weekend without a dose of her nerve painkiller, which is considerable. Weight loss hovers around the same, which is great considering the birthday trip/Thanksgiving combination that was last week. L continues to be focused and driven, much less passive than in the beginning. She purchased a step and a bosu ball and is increasing the focus in her physical rehabilitation - really honing in on strengthening her ankles. She speaks intently on walking without braces in the future. She is starting to increase her water consumption - I would love her to get up to 140 oz. or so a day at least to help her body and liver flush her system. Her favorite things so far have been the herbed squash, raw kale pilaf, tofutti cream cheese (a little on the processed side, but a great cheese alternative), Rudy's brand gluten-free bagels (contain egg whites), fettuccine alfredo, G's homemade cashew cheeses, and green tea sweetened with peach or pineapple juice. We talk all the time about the spiritual aspect of this healing journey, and prayer is the closing for many of our days together. Monday we decorated the house for Christmas, and it was a blessing to see L so excited and festive, and also to hear many of her family histories and holiday anecdotes. The personal relationship between L and I has really deepened, I am now identified as "another daughter", and I even took Max over to their house when he was in town for Thanksgiving (it was so fabulous to spend the holiday together!) so L could "approve". It was lovely time spent.

Tomorrow, I am going to spend the night at L and V's house - both to have our movie night aforementioned (double feature: "What the Bleep Do We Know?", and "Food Inc."), and to give G and J a little post-Thanksgiving, post-house-full-of-people, quiet evening alone with the animals in their home. Here's the recipe for the easy pasta I made on Monday, featuring soy curls (in the bulk section at Whole Foods) - basically, dehydrated textured gluten-free soy protein. They absorb the taste of whatever you cook them in, after you re-hydrate them. They can be chopped down - for this recipe, I left them as-is - about 1-2" thin, curly strands.

Easy Pasta Dinner_____________________________________________________________
1 package gluten-free brown rice noodles
1 jar marinara sauce
2 cups of re-hydrated soy curls
1 carrot, chopped
1 celery stick, chopped
2 cups mushrooms (I used cremini), chopped
1 onion, chopped
3 cloves of garlic, finely minced
1-2 cups broccoli, chopped
1 teaspoon parsley
1 teaspoon thyme
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon oregano
1 teaspoon basil
olive oil

Heat a dab of olive oil in a pan, then saute onion and garlic until onion is translucent. Add a 1/2 teaspoon of each of the herbs, and then saute in this order: mushroom, carrot, celery, broccoli. When the broccoli is slightly tender, add the jar of sauce, stir to combine, and set aside. While you are doing the veggies, cook the noodles as instructed, taking heed not to overcook (rice noodles especially need a cold bath when they're done and not to stand for too long or they'll just end up one congealed giant noodle mess). In a pan, heat a small amount of oil and add the soy curls and the remaining 1/2 teaspoon of each of the above herbs. Fry on medium high heat until soy curls are crispy, well-seasoned, and light to dark golden brown in places. Add the soy curls, sauce, and noodles together to serve, but store separately in the refrigerator if you have leftovers.

Here we go month two!
May what you feed yourself continue to inspire and edify you and your purpose,